Thursday Technical Issues

It's a challenging Thursday here at Rewire where tech issues have overtaken us for the time being! We apologize and hope to have all restored quickly.

We offer our readers a huge apology for some unexpected technology issues we’ve been struggling with today.

If you are a Firefox user, we’re aware that our site has been unavailable periodically today. In Safari, though the site has been available, we know particular posts haven’t been loading. The site appears to be functioning properly using Internet Explorer.

We ask for your patience as we work to resolve all of these unforeseen issues as quickly as we possibly can.

Currently, our site is back up in all browsers. However, if you have posted a comment on any post today, you may not see it on the site. Though we are working to re-publish some of the more current posts, we cannot guarantee, unfortunately, that we’ll have all of the comments restored.

We apologize and hope to have the site restored to working order as soon as possible!

We’re grateful to you all as we work to repair the problems! Please let us know if you experience other issues (issues we haven’t already mentioned in this post) by emailing editor AT rhrealitycheck DOT org.